Epoxy / Resin & Wood Notes

New site for notes that I’ve been making while learning about epoxy/resin wood tables and creating my own desk. Some of this info has been collected from websites, YouTube, and the Epoxy Resin Advices and Tips Facebook page. I’ve quoted people where I had the quotes that I got them from, sorry if I missed one but send me a correction and I’ll get it fixed!

More Learning Resources

I’m sure there are a ton of YouTube videos, most I found skimmed over some parts, and deeper in others, so you might have to watch a lot, and also why I started taking these notes

Picking Out The Wood

Picking Out The Epoxy

Minor scratches and cracks

  1. Gorilla Clear Epoxy


  1. Stone Coat Countertop
  2. TotalBoat
  3. Rusty Design - Canada
  4. Epodex
  5. Ultra Clear Epoxy

Deep Pour

  1. Liquid Glass
  2. TotalBoat
  3. Epodex
  4. Solid Solutions - Australia
  5. Ultra CLear Epoxy

Picking Out Epoxy Coloring


  1. Alumilite
  2. Beaver Dust
  3. Eye Candy
  4. Black Diamond Pigments
  5. Pigmently - Liquid Pigment
  6. Pigmently - Powder Pigment


Mica Powder

Other ideas for coloring

  1. “Alcohol ink, liquid resin dye, acrylic paint. I’ve even added glitter glue to resin which made it so the glitter didn’t sink down” Mladen Sakotic

Tools You’ll Want/Need

Some of these tools are optional depending on the project, but I’ll list some known good tools I have used or others have reviewed.


  1. Harbor Freight - Hercules
    • I only used this once so far, replacing a really old Black and Decker, so far so good!

Router Bit(s)

  1. Surfacing Router Bit
    • This is not the exact one I use, similar, and I only used this one because I already had it, maybe there’s a better one?

Router Sled

  1. DIY
  2. Stone Coat
  3. Crafted Elements
  4. Stuff 2 Make Stuff
  5. Woodpeckers Flatting Mill

Router Bowtie template

  1. Rockler Bow Tie Kit

Circular Saw Track Guide

If Removing Bark

  1. Hammer & Chisel
  2. Wire brush

If there’s a heavy amount:

  1. Draw Knife
  2. Drill with Cup Wire Brush

Orbital Sander (with dust collector)

Epoxy Spreader

  1. Amazon - Dynatron

Epoxy Mixing Container

There are a lot of variations of these, I think it really just depends on how much you are pouring at one time. One trick I saw someone use
was to put rice into the spots to fill, then pull the rice out and measure how much. I haven’t tried it yet, but looked promising!

  1. Plastic Graduated Mixing Cups - Amazon
  2. Silicone Graduated Mixing Cups, 3 sizes - Amazon
  3. 5 Gallon Plastic Bucket - Zoro

Epoxy Mixing Tool

There’s a ton of different ones like this, not sure if there’s good/bad ones to look for, I tried these and worked good so far.

  1. Silicone Mixing Paddles - Amazon

Silicon Molds

  1. Crafted Elements
    • I haven’t ordered from this place, yet, because of the projects I’ve done but heard great things about them, they have a great story and made in the USA!
  2. Rusty Design-Canada

  3. Amazon-Kalinta

Pressure Pot (to be used while the epoxy cures)

  1. Vevor

Vacuum Pot (to be used to get the bubbles out of the resin before you pour)

  1. Harbor Fright Vacuum Pump - You still need a pot with this
  2. Bacoeng 3 Gallon w/Pump

Heat Gun / Propane Torch

  1. Harbor Freight Heat Gun
    • So I haven’t used this with epoxy yet, but I have had one for years and it’s a basic heat gun, does the job.
  2. Home Depot Propane Torch
    • Your basic torch you’ll find about anywhere, though I do usually prefer the nicer torch if I’m using it a lot:
    • Updated Torch

Preparing the Wood

Removing any bark

Sealing the wood

  1. Use the same epoxy that you will be doing your pour with, just brush it on as the first coat to make sure to seal the wood and keep out the bubbles.

Prepare Your Mold

Preparing the Epoxy

  1. Make sure you are storing your epoxy in a temperature controlled environment, and definitely don’t let it freeze
  2. “Add the glitter or mix ins 40 mins after pouring and you will get an even dispersion.”
  3. “Aim to have about 70% wood to 30% epoxy ratio when laying out your piece” - heard this from an “expert” but not sure the reasoning

How to properly mix

  1. If you are mixing < 1 gallon it’s recommended to stir it slowly by hand in order to not introduce bubbles
  2. Temperature of epoxy before/during mix needs to be no less than 65°F
  3. Generally, deep pour is 2:1 mix ratio, and tabletop is 1:1, but ALWAYS look at the manufacturers labels first

*NOTE: At one stage here do you put the epoxy in the pressure pot?

How much mica powder to use?

  1. “It depends” - most people will say to mix until you like the look, but sometimes for first-timers that’s hard to gauge so what I was told as a general starting rule, is: 1/2 teaspoon per liter for opaque looking (non-translucent), and 1/16 of a teaspoon for a translucent finish

Initial Pour

Flood Coat

Flood coats are coats of epoxy that are about 1/8” thick and cover the entire epoxy project. Their purpose is to complete the project, adding a glossy finish
Upstart Epoxy

Sanding the Wood

Sanding the Epoxy

Final Coating the Wood

Always follow the manufacturers cure times for best results! Like sanding, no shortcuts here!

* NOTE: I could use some guidance on which of the Odie’s works best for a natural wood finish
* NOTE: I also like the idea of Odie’s better, just because it doesn’t contain the chemicals that Rubio or Osmo contain, personal preference

** General consensus seems to be that putting a coat of ceramic car wax over the top of your wood finish will help reduce scratches and give it a better shine

Final Coating the Epoxy

  1. Obviously the epoxy will need to be sanded per the above instructions.
  2. Polarshine 10 Polishing Compound

Adding Legs

*NOTE: Seems to be one of the top asked questions, could use some good links to places that sell legs for those that can’t build them

  1. Flowyline
  2. Carolina Leg Co
  3. Rusty Design-Canada


  1. What to do if you get micro bubbles in the top coat?
    • Sand/router it down and re-pour a thin coat over the top
  2. What to do if you didn’t pour enough and it shrinks down?
    • Pour another coat over top (should you do this as soon as possible or wait?)
  3. “My last flood coat and it has fully set what grade sand paper should I rough it up with first”
    • “A little more than 220 I use a 280”, most comments are 220
  4. “I am making an epoxy river table with 2 waterfall edges, when I assemble the waterfall would it be best to use wood glue or epoxy resin?”
    • “Resin on the resin, glue on the wood”
  5. How do you clean off epoxy when done or before another pour on top?
    • Use 90% isopropyl alcohol to make sure everything else is removed